That One Time I...
... Broke A New Year's Resolution Before The Clock Struck Twelve
Ara ara! What is this all about? Last night I had an epiphany, y'all.
While working on novel prep after a satisfying dinner, I got myself into a jam. I have a male protagonist that raises his dating standards in an early chapter. But what are those standards or qualifications? After a good fifteen minutes of brainstorming at my writing desk I still had no clue.
I watched a YouTube video that instructed me how to create a list of qualifications, and then I got sidetracked and made one for myself. Within minutes I had a list that I whittled down to five. I expected The Muse to do well, but when I measured her up against my standards for a long term relationship she was "oh fer" -- a baseball term for someone that goes 0 for whatever the number is!
It was quite the revelation that someone who's gifted with height, natural beauty and youth can still strike out with me. Upon her return home or the next time we talk on the phone, I'll tell her I just want to be friends. I owe her that much. Meanwhile, the next time I strike up a friendly conversation at the grocery store or the wine shop I just might invite them out for coffee to begin the vetting process all over again.
That's how you break a resolution before midnight, y'all. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year. I hope 2025 brings all the success you are aiming for.
Happy New Year! I hope 2025 is a good one for you.