2025 Wines
One of my favorite hobbies is wine. I'm more than a casual drinker, but I'm not a lush. I enjoy having a five to six ounce glass of wine with my dinner up to four nights a week, which means I should open fifty two bottles of wine in a year.
Due to my past diabetes diagnosis, I prefer white wines that are carb and sugar friendly compared to other varieties. Even with my AC1 at an acceptable level, I still watch what I eat most of the time.
When I give my take on wine, I won't go into full detail like tannins, alcohol content, what they're best paired with, etc.. I like to keep things simple. Does it taste good by itself? Do they enhance a dish with baked salmon or sauteed chicken, the proteins I typically eat for dinner? Would I buy it again based on its price point?
The following is a chronological list of wines I've had so far in 2025:
Emerald Creek I'm A Charmer, 2020 (Dudley's Bakery, $22). I was indeed charmed by this blend of pinot grigio, Riesling, and muscat grapes. It tastes great by itself and also with the baked salmon and sauteed chicken meals I paired them with. For it's price point it's a must buy if I see it in stock the next time I make a "Bakery Run" to the mountains.