Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy Halloween!


Today is the big day for people to dress up as the slutty version of something. Well, that's what I remember most about some of the Halloween parties I attended as an adult up until just before the pandemic. Yours truly once dressed up as preggo Kim Kardashian, and I also wore OTK (Over The Knee) heeled boots to complete the outfit. I got hit on, which to this day is still hysterical.

Those were fun times, but sadly it wouldn't be smart to continue attending social gatherings like that ever again. I have to mask up indoors and in close outdoor gatherings if I value my health. It's not because I'm more likely to catch COVID-19, but that I'm more likely to suffer serious complications from it. That's my new reality.

Even though that lifestyle change sounds like a bummer, I'm still happy to celebrate Halloween. You see that Kit Kat above? The plan is to have half of that broken up into small pieces and use it as a topping on cottage cheese. That will be my "dessert" tonight and tomorrow, a reward for eating right and exercising regularly.

Today is also my last day of freedom. I'll spend this morning and afternoon organizing my Super Outline into a traditional one in Scrivener, a writing program I've grown to love. I'll then have two different folders with subfolders beneath them for every chapter. One set will be for the outline, while the other will eventually contain my first draft. 

I've given the project the working title Bullets & Baguettes. I told you it's about a woman who finds love online as her real life unravels, but in more complex terms she's a gamer that makes friends and falls for a fellow gamer. The game they play is a mixture of The Sims 4, GTA Online, and PS Home, the beloved game where you could interact with other PlayStation users in a social setting.

So where do the bullets and baguettes come from? While the main character is a mercenary for hire, the love interest runs a bakery, preferring a quiet life away from the guns and bad guys.

Of course, there's so much more to this LGBTQ+ tale. I look forward to writing the first chapter at midnight.