Friday, October 27, 2023

That One Time I...

 ... Went On A Shopping Spree

Once upon a time, back when I used to be a corporate wage slave, I was well known for my retail therapy. Some would say I was notorious, and at least one person thought I was scandalous.

Times have changed since I retired a year ago. My spending is now on the frugal side. I had a meeting with my financial advisor yesterday, and I'm still on FIRE (Financially Independent, Retire Early). The key to remain that way is to spend 4% or less of your assets annually. These last six months I was only at 2.6%, which thrilled both of us.

In plain English, I can remain retired for the foreseeable future and not only because I wish to be.

Does this mean it's okay to increase my spending? Not really. I know as long as I continue to live frugally I'm insulated from what ails ordinary Americans and I'd like to keep it that way. Like my improving health, I like the idea of having one less major worry in my life so it's motivation to continue exhibiting positive behaviors.

As for my stock trading account, I noticed it lost $1,000 of its value this morning thanks to The Casino of Emotions. Chevron bought a smaller energy company. Ford scaled back its EV production due to customer demand. The people who buy and sell for short term gains didn't like either event, and tanked both stocks.

While short term his harms my bottom line, I also looked at it as an opportunity. When something like this happens, I can still hear an old friend's voice in my head. He announces loud and clear, "Time to buy!"

So... I acquired more Chevron and Ford shares on the cheap. I'm betting these stocks will rebound nicely within the next six months, and I hold those stocks long term for their generous quarterly dividends. To me, it's like putting money in a high interest rainy day savings account except these companies will still survive after I'm dead and departed.

OH, I ALMOST FORGOT: I received good news on Tuesday. The colon cancer screening was negative and everything is normal. My rear is clear for another year.


  1. It is always a good idea to live a little below your means. That is one bit of peace of mind I have with my job. Do I want to continue to work? Yes, because my pay goes to extras and savings and I do still enjoy working. Could I walk out if it becomes too brutal? Yes, because we've saved, have no debt and live beneath our means. It is a good feeling. I feel bad for people that feel stuck in their jobs. That has to be a bad feeling.
    I laughed out loud at your rear is clear comment. YAY!!
    Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks and yes, it's wonderful when you have the power to walk away from a bad situation.
