Brain Fragments

It's back, at least for this morning. I have a number of random things on my mind that don't require a post for themselves, but I need to get them out of my head so I can get on with my day. You know the drill. Two sentences each and then I move on... -- Robzilla

My blood test when I woke up was 107. While the number is acceptable, it's a reminder that whatever we eat for dinner the prior night can still affect our bodies first thing in the morning.

I took the last two days off from writing, and I'm taking two more. I tried writing a new chapter on Wednesday morning, and after one paragraph I put it aside until Sunday morning.

I have no plans for Black Friday unless it's to visit the pharmacy. I emailed my doctor on Wednesday and they refilled only my testing items.

In plan English, that means I might get to see how my body regulates blood sugar without the use of drugs depending on my Christmas time blood work.

If my body can do that sufficiently for three months, then my hidden disability is considered in remission. While that is potentially great news, I have more weight to lose so I won't revert to the way I used to be.

During the past couple of months, I discovered why Carl's Jr sometimes made my stomach ill. It wasn't food poisoning, but my body overloaded with carbs and sodium.

I also discovered two Del Taco crunchy tacos and a medium fry were only 64 grams of carbohydrates, roughly my carb intake every day at lunch. I might have to treat myself next Wednesday to see how my body reacts to that meal.

Black Friday means Christmas presents and this morning I got one early. Jack Del Rio got fired from the Washington Commanders this morning.

I used to love "Big Balls Jack" when he was the Oakland Raiders head coach, and then he showed who he was after the George Floyd protests and the January 6th insurrection. Fuck that guy.

That's all I've got for today. Try to stay safe out there.


  1. Food really does have a huge impact on our health. I went to work for two hours this morning to take care of an issue but was home by 8am so I've been relaxing since. It's that kind of day here. Take care!!

    1. It really does make a difference and I can't believe what I was doing to myself for so long.

  2. Yes, when one avoids 'bad' food and eats some the body goes into a bit of a shock. I am growing sensitive to a bolos of carbs - can't do it now.

    1. The bad part is when you do it all the time you don't even notice the shock. You just chalk it up to getting older like I used to do.

  3. Washington Commanders???? Is that some kind of military group I should be aware of???

    After yesterday's cooking, drinking, eating and drinking...I pulled a Talulah Bankhead and didn't rise till 2pm!!!!!

    1. I used to call them the Foreskins back when they were the Redskins and Dan Snyder was the team owner. The nickname fits.

      Oh my God, you were asleep until 2pm???


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