That One Time I...

 ... Gave Up A Writing Project, But Kept Writing Anyway

Now that I have your attention, I can explain why I titled this post with an eye catching phrase.

During the last handful of days, the forums on the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) website have been locked down. I used to tell people that writing is a solitary journey, but without the interaction of fellow writers the past few days I really felt alone. I no longer had the ability to post my word counts, my triumphs and struggles, and even what made me happy that day.

There are serious allegations being thrown around in the forums about a now ex-forum moderator that date back about six months. To spare you the graphic details, it's a word that starts with a G and rhymes with looming. 

Until late last night, I was unaware of what was going on behind the scenes. 

The more I read up on the sordid deets, the more enraged I became. Not just because these allegations feel like there's some truth behind them. I'm angry with how the other forum moderators have mishandled everything from the beginning. 

To me, it looks like there's an attempt to sweep things under the rug rather than deal with the issue accordingly. From having the now former moderator stop what they're doing, to the banning of people from the forums for asking questions, it seems like its a real fuck nugget fiesta. People are hurt, upset, angry, bewildered, and understandably so. Their voices should be heard, not silenced.

I was a generous donor to the NaNoWriMo programs, but I won't associate with them going forward. 

Despite this drama playing out in real time, I still have a novel to write. With every passing day my writing and narrative voice are filling me up with confidence. I would even go as far as saying this year's first draft reads like last year's third or fourth draft.

I have just under 36,000 words written so far, and as of yesterday I reached the halfway point of Bullets & Baguettes. I no longer care about whether or not I write 50,000 words during the month of November, but I care about these characters so much I can't wait to finish this first draft. Then I can read the entire story so I can take notes on what needs improvement during the first round of edits in January 2024.


  1. That is horrible! I just can't understand so many of the horrible things going on around us all now. There really is a lot of evil shit going on.

    1. It is, and last night I completed my separation from them. The gifts items I received for my donations? The shirt I wore that claimed I "won" last year? It's all in the trash.

  2. I am sorry that you've hit a stumble, but it sounds like you have a plan to finish your first draft.


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