That One Time I...

…Reflected On A Hallow Victory

52,798. That’s how many words I wrote during the month of November. While that word count qualifies me for “winning” NaNoWriMo, I feel neither a sense of accomplishment or anything else for that matter as the month closes. 

Surpassing 50,000 words on this solitary journey is merely a milestone. As December arrives, I’ll continue writing the first draft of Bullets & Baguettes, or whatever this novel will eventually be called once I’m done editing it sometime in 2024. While so much of Cassie Hendricks’s story has already been told in my Scrivener file, there’s still more to come. Much more. 

I estimate about 18,000 more words will be sufficient to wrap things up in this novel. During this past month, I decided that if I get this one published I have some good ideas for a second and even a third one to complete her story arc. It’s not enough to see her life deconstructed and put back together in a new way. I want to see her prosper as a changed person and evolve into the person I believe she is.

In the meantime, I’ll just give myself a pat on the back and grab my PS5 controller. It's time to create a little mayhem in Los Santos.


  1. I can imagine that writing, being a solitary task, can sometimes be daunting. Kudos to you for your perseverance!

    1. Thanks. When I was on the NaNo forums, I felt like an outsider. Solitude was my choice, but it was for the best.


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