Monday, December 25, 2023

On This Day, I'm Thankful...

I tried to come up with a fancy Christmas wallpaper, but I couldn't find the right one. Then I did a search for a certain reindeer that shares my name, and viola! I have the perfect image to celebrate today.

This year provided enough severe ups and downs that I'd equate it to being bipolar, but I'm still thankful...

For everyone that leaves a comment or lurks in the background. I appreciate every one of you.

That every morning is viewed as another opportunity to learn something new. Not long ago, I wondered if I even had a purpose in life anymore.

That I'm no longer a slave to money. Provided I continue to keep myself on a budget and live vicariously through your vacation tales and photos, of course. 

That I had the courage to flee the worst employer I ever had. COVID is ripping through the office, and the lowest performers were laid off on Thursday rather than after the holidays. 

That I had Terri and Torrie in my life. I still miss them dearly, but it no longer hurts when I think about them. I hope they're together wherever they are.

That I relented and had my blood work done three months ago. It was a shock to my system when I received my diagnosis. I've taken better care of myself since then and the results speak for themselves.

That I'm working on the next chapter of my life, no pun intended. I've wanted to be a writer since I read The Grapes of Wrath and a few other books around the turn of the century, and I'm thankful I still hung onto that dream when I retired.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!


  1. Merry Christmas!! I love this post and the photo. Perfect. You've accomplished a lot over the last year or two. Walking away from your job was so brave. I wish I had the courage to do the same, maybe I will get there. I'm thankful for your friendship and looking forward to the accomplishments of 2024. Enjoy your week!!

  2. A very good list...if we can find reasons to get up, and we have our health, friends, family and a roof over our's a good day. Merry Christmas RJ!!!!!!
