Wednesday, December 27, 2023

That One Time I...

 ... Went Off My Meds

By the time you read this, I will likely be doing one of the following:

  • I'll be driving Akeno to the clinic to get my blood work done, while simultaneously wishing I could sip Seattle's Best Henry's Blend coffee from the fancy Zojirushi tumbler in her center console drink holder.
  • I'll be eating a very late breakfast in the parking lot before I drive home. It will consist of a banana and a ThinkThin protein bar, the first things I've eaten in over twelve hours.
  • I'll be back home wishing I could take a nap. I had less than four hours of sleep last night.
  • I'll treat myself to Del Taco for lunch. I promised myself I can have a fast food Mexicanish meal as a reward for what I've accomplished since my diagnosis.
  • I'll attempt one final casino mission in GTA Online. My character can earn an armored sedan that resembles a Bentley as a reward for completing the six mission series.

Today is a huge day that could mark the beginning of the next chapter of my life. I took the last of my medications last night, and after I get my bloodwork done the waiting game begins. I have no idea if my doctor is in the office this week due to the holidays, but I believe the results will be ready for review Friday morning. 

Once my doctor reviews my results, I'll learn my pill popping fate. My fasting reading this morning was an encouraging sign, the lowest one I've recorded since I started testing myself. I hope that is reflected in my bloodwork numbers, and I'm crossing my fingers I will be done with medications.

Of course, like that Shiny Wasabi Kitty plushie I've been trying to claw out of that arcade machine for the past week to complete my GTA Online character's Princess Robot Bubblegum collection that might be wishful thinking. Only time will tell. 


  1. good luck!
    I usually treat myself to something tasty greasy after my fasting blood work.

  2. I'm hoping things turn out well. You've done a lot of hard work to get your numbers normal. A cheat meal is a good idea.

    1. I think y'all are going to love my next update.
