Monday, January 22, 2024

In Case You're Worried About Me...

I'm posting a quick note to let y'all know I'm fine. However, there are a lot of people in the San Diego area that are not. I suspect you'll see or hear about how Interstate 15 was flooded under several feet of rain and mud in such a brief amount of time. Or how one neighborhood was overwhelmed with knee deep water and mud. This storm is easily the worst I've ever seen it rain here.

My thoughts are with everyone affected, and if the Amazon driver does manage to arrive tonight with my order I'll tip him like it's Christmas. I used to deliver pizza when I was in college, so I know firsthand what it's like to drive when there's heavy rain and winds strong enough to hurl trash cans in the air. It's no fun at all, so I do not envy anyone that has to be on our roads this afternoon and evening.


  1. Holy crap! Glad you're OK!


    1. Thanks, but there will be a tale to tell about Amazon soon.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks. I noticed it made NBC News web site before I went to bed. We're drying out now but how long that will take... who knows?
