Wednesday, January 31, 2024

(Not) Wordless Wednesday: Life Balance

The good news: I have become quite adept at separating Juan "El Rubio" Strickler from his most prized possessions. This afternoon it was a pink diamond and a duffel bag filled with cocaine and some loose cash in his safe. My cut, including the $50,000 elite bonus, was quite a haul.

Also this afternoon...

We did so much to improve the property during the past year, so you can imagine how pissed off I was when I discovered this a few hours ago. I hope those little fuckers drown tomorrow, and if they don't the pest control company will arrive on Friday to help remedy the issue, weather permitting.


  1. Oh no! They built that all up so fast. That would piss me off too.

  2. It is amazing how resilient insects and bugs are.
