Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Reflections On A New Year

New Year's Eve wasn't a quiet affair. People in the 'hood started celebrating just after I had dinner, so the annual game of "Ruger or Roman Candle" played out from seven o'clock until about twelve thirty. My guess was people were blowing up M80s and roman candles throughout the evening. Luckily, the only police sirens I heard were the ones my GTA Online character created while driving this vintage supercar based on the legendary McLaren F1.

I'm glad 2023 is in my rear view mirror. The first nine months were marked by death. Terri. Torrie. My old self. The last three months saw a resurgence of my very old self. The one that was full of optimism, ate right, and exercised on a regular basis.

I already know 2024 will be a better year. When I was considered svelte, back when I played hockey, I was like a sawed off linebacker on skates. Without giving numbers, my goal is to get down to close to my old playing weight. I don't think I'll look like I could audition to be in Mistress Maddie's candy shop, but I'll be thrilled with the end result if I get there.

The drugs have been out of my system since about Saturday, and I'm excited to report my testing numbers are virtually the same as when I was on meds. I have every reason to believe my doctor will declare my hidden disability is in remission by the end of March with the way things are going.

I get to do some much needed retail therapy soon. With retirement, my outfits tend to be a t-shirt and shorts. I sorely need more of the latter a size smaller. I'll also have to buy a new Robert Graham t-shirt, price be damned. The one I bought ran large to begin with, and with my weight loss it now looks like I'm wearing my boyfriend's shirt!

That's all I have for now. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope 2024 is off to a good start for y'all!


  1. Honey, if you get there and you like the results, I'll put you in the Candy Shop!!!!!!!!
