Friday, January 12, 2024

That One Time I...

 ... Pondered The Evils of Social Media

I've been sitting on some wonderful news since about three o'clock yesterday, so I have to get this off my chest before I resume editing my novel.

I had my specialist appointment yesterday and I was floored by the news I received. Now that my numbers are stable, they told me I'm no long required to meet with them and that they really don't have anything to teach me. They also stated I'm no longer required to test myself twice a day or at all. If my blood work remains stable when I'm tested again at the end of March my hidden disability will be in r-r-r...

Yes, I can pronounce the word remission. It was just shocking they brought it up first. Anyway...

They were so impressed with what I've done they want me to be featured in the hospital's newsletter. If this were two decades ago, back when social media was primarily used to connect with friends and family, I would have been delighted to become famous. My health care provider/hospital is quite noteworthy in my region, so my likeness and my personal journey would literally be on full display to millions of people, but...

We're living in 2024. Social media has long been the public square where you can be tried and convicted by a jury not of your own peers of heinous crimes like not being in lock step with Democrats (guilty), or driving an ICE vehicle instead of an EV (Akeno's ICE, ICE, baby!) It's also a great place to be wrongfully accused of real life shenanigans, and once upon a time that happened to me. The false accusations profoundly affected me to the point where I could not function at work, and because of that I lost the job I held at the time.

I have no desire to relive that hellish experience, so nixay on the newsletter. I know I did something incredible during the past three months or so, but I'm perfectly fine living life outside the spotlight.


  1. WooHoo...that is just awesome!! I'm glad the doctors recognized the hard work that you did. I totally understand not wanting to be featured. People are brutal now. I'm so happy for you!!

  2. Great news on the health home front. I get your apprehension about being featured on social media. I agree, but more because I feel like we are always being used to sell or advertise or promote companies and businesses. I'm tired of being their free model and content provider. pay me for my story and likeness or leave me alone.

