Tuesday, January 30, 2024

That One Time I...

 ... Felt Like The Day's Events Were Surreal

As I write this, it's the morning after one of the weirdest days of my life. I'm still in shock over two events that happened simultaneously. 

For awhile, my brother wanted a new car. I warned him over and over that when I go car shopping things happen quickly, so quickly that it would snap his neck. He still didn't heed my warning by the time I visited the dealership yesterday morning. I'll summarize the events below:

10:15ish - I visited the dealership, put down a $500 deposit on a specific vehicle and then waited for it to be transported from another location.

12 noon - I called one of my banks and moved some money around so there would be an adequate amount in my checking account.

2:00 pm - My brother and I visited the dealership to look at the car and test drive it. While I was in the backseat, I debated whether or not to trade Akeno in (!!!) to buy the car for myself if he didn't want it.

3:30ish - We signed the paperwork and then I paid for the car with my debit card. Yes, please feel free to reread that sentence and then pinch me. I swear I did NOT have "pay for a new car with a debit card" on my bucket list.

4:45 pm - My brother drove home in his new car, and in an alternate reality that would have been me. Due to my wish to maintain his privacy, I will not disclose what "I" bought, it's color or what I would have named her. 

My brother is beyond thrilled with the new car, but it will take him some time to adjust to it. He's going from a two decade old vehicle to one that has the latest and greatest in safety features. Then there's the wealth of information like how many miles he can drive before the gas tank is empty, or multiple cameras to help him park it. The new car also has the Bose audio system and the heated steering wheel that Akeno doesn't. Lucky bastard. 

This car was in no way a gift. I expect my bank account to be made whole again in the very near future. If anything, my role was to get the car off the lot in the most expedient manner available.


Unbeknownst to me, there was a shocking drama playing out Down Under at about the same time I was telling the finance manager we don't want any expensive, unnecessary add ons to my brother's new car. Supercars champion Brodie Kostecki is leaving Erebus Motorsport, and I only learned about this when I read the news on my tablet before bedtime.

It's three weeks before the Supercars season opener at Bathurst, and now Erebus has to find a replacement driver pronto. I'm sure Jack LeBroq is a competent driver that will do well in the 9 car, but whomever the team hires to replace Brodie in the 99 is guaranteed not to be the same caliber of racer.

I had high hopes Erebus would continue its winning ways in 2024, but now... we'll see what happens at Bathurst and beyond.


  1. That is awesome of you to help your brother with finding a good car. And bucket list worthy on paying for it with your debit card. Excellent!!

    1. Thanks. I can only pray he takes proper care of it. *crosses fingers*
