Wednesday, February 7, 2024

(Not) Wordless Wednesday: Not So Nice Comics

Rose Wilson, aka Ravager, hanging out with her brother Joey.

That one time the Teen Titan version of Ravager struck twelve on Clock King.

This was hilarious when the Browns weren't winning.

Dex-Starr, you're such a cutie! Uh...

Huntress and Black Canary, please tell us more how you really feel about Batman.

Huntress and Black Canary identify their perp.

Black Canary seems to be the only woman in Birds of Prey with a dating life.

Captain America with a public service announcement.

I'm always down for a Clay Bennett political comic.

Starfire learns how to use a smart phone for the first time. I think.

Huntress, the only woman that doesn't take Batman's shit.

A Super Taikyu race car from a few seasons ago. I'm assuming Shizuki was used to sell aftermarket racing parts for J's Racing.

Harley Quinn in one of my all time favorite comic panels.

A little Subway humor.

Let's end this with something that's naughty and nice at the same time. Veronica Lodge as a vampire.


  1. I love those earlier Birds of Prey Mini-series...


  2. Yow! comics are so much darker and I dare say uglier than when I read them in my teens.
