Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Tuesday Music Club: RIP Toby Keith

Yes, Toby Keith's politics were a little problematic at times. He voted twice for Bill Clinton, but also twice for Shrub. He re-registered as an Independent after liberals told him he couldn't support war. He didn't say who he voted for in 2008 but noted Obama was doing a good job. He spat venom at both Presidential candidates in 2016, and then performed for Tang Satan out of duty to America, not a political party.

I'm heartbroken that Toby lost his battle with cancer. One of his songs became my personal anthem once I reached a certain age. Even now while I'm shedding weight and becoming a shape other than round, I still feel... well, play the video and you'll understand.

Rest in peace, Toby. Independents like us will always be misunderstood.

1 comment:

  1. It's so sad isn't it? I remember this song. This past weekend I asked TBG to do something and he said you know I'm not the person I used to be. And I replied, honey, none of us are. Sad, but true. Have a great day!!
