That One Time I...

... Decided Not To Be A Sadistic Asshole

My tax ordeal is over. Before I buried the hatchet, I ensured the blade would not land in between anyone's shoulder blades. Upon reflection, I've learned a few things about the process...

My tax situation is nearly as complicated as a Rubik's Cube. In addition to a 1040, there are a half dozen supplemental forms and their associated worksheets to fill out to ultimately determine how much tax I owe. That's a lot of work, even for someone with my intellect. 

Perhaps the smart thing to do is to let Intuit continue to do my taxes, and before I meet with them every year I should itemize all of my income sources and their amounts so they don't make any errors.

I was quite pleased with this year's results. My combined taxes owed were substantially less than the cost to renew Akeno's registration with the California DMV. 

That was quite a shocker, but there's a reason why I pay for full service with Intuit. They made me realize that qualified dividends and foreign tax credits are magical things that legally reduce your tax liability. 

I highly recommend discussing those topics with your tax pro if you hold mutual funds or foreign stocks, especially if you're nearing retirement. We're all playing the same game every April, so it's beneficial to educate yourself on the rules.

Remember, it's never acceptable to work the system but there's nothing wrong with making the system work for you.


  1. This is the first time I can remember that we're getting money back instead of paying. Now we do pay quarterly payments during the year to make sure the damage is smaller but still we never get a 'refund'. I think it was because of the new Heating/AC unit and the new water heater. They gave us a nice tax break. So remember if you buy any new high efficiency appliances turn those in for the credit.

    1. Oh, yes. There are an entirely different set of rules to play by when deductions are itemized. For me, the standard deduction works best for now.

  2. Im not sure I have ever owed yet. My financial guy is pretty good.

    1. It's possible you're withholding too much, too. Perhaps I should have mentioned I don't have anything withheld now that I'm retired.

  3. I owed more than I ever have this year. It is because of my rental property. I have a tax person compile my taxes because for me it is a complicated quagmire.

    1. I can imagine. I keep hearing how property taxes is a huge benefit, but the only time my father looked happy about rental properties was when he sold them.


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