That One Time I...

... Pondered "What's In A Name?"

I should be editing my novel now that I've had breakfast, but I need to get something off my chest. During my meal, I learned that the Oakland A's will move to Sacramento and play there for a few seasons while their shiny, new stadium on the Las Vegas Strip is built. That's assuming the Nevada Supreme Court doesn't throw a wrench into those plans in the coming weeks.

I also learned the team will simply be called the A's while they're cohabiting a minor league stadium with San Francisco's AAA team. While I'd love to see the River Cats outdraw the A's, this also got me thinking about what the A's real name is. For years, I was told it was short for Athletics but considering John Fisher has done everything humanly possible to destroy a once proud major league baseball team I wonder if maybe the A's really mean...

  • Abysmal
  • Anemic
  • Appalling
  • Acrid
  • Apathetic
  • Ambivalence

Nah. Calling them the Assholes has worked fine for decades.
