That One Time I...

... Had Buyer's Remorse After A Purchase

I didn't feel like sharing my living room area in its current state with y'all, so the above image will have to suffice. After only about twenty minutes to set it up, a brief test ride, and copious amounts of time spent breaking down the packaging for the blue recycling bin, this highly recommended Joroto X2 exercise bike is ready for my next bike riding workout on Monday morning.

When I used the Zizzo Indoor Trainer this past week I ran into an unforeseen problem that I can't resolve. When it is used on wood flooring or any other solid surface, the trainer works great. But when you place the front wheel cup on a padded mat on top of carpeting, its design becomes a safety hazard. I was afraid the bike would wobble enough for me to take a tumble one of these days, and there's no way in hell I'm going to spend thousands of dollars on vinyl flooring in the living and dining areas.

It's a rare occurrence when I miss the mark on a purchase I had thoroughly researched, but here we are. The Zizzo Forte works fine as a bike and I intend to keep it, but the indoor trainer is likely finding a new home soon.


  1. I do just running, walking, and general exercise. I never buy equipment. I have learned my lesson not to waste the money. In the past I bought things to work out with, and they end up sitting in a close or in the basement, and never used again. And friends of mine have a graveyard of exercise shit. Yet they buy more. Call me confused.

    1. I know the feeling. I told my sister that neither my brother or she can have my old recumbent bike if all they're going to do is hang their clothes on it!

      Luckily, I use my stuff.


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