Finding Inner Peace At Any Cost

While reviewing Miku's inspection results yesterday, I learned two alarming things. One, it's very possible that what the prior owner did to Miku's suspension and the resulting damage from it voided her warranty. The second thing I learned is even more distressing: Carmax's multipoint vehicle inspection is bullshit.

I know some of y'all probably think I should lawyer up, but when something like this happens it's a gray area where a warranty's exclusion language is concerned. As a former insurance underwriter, I already know how "playing in the gray" usually works out for the consumer. Therefore, I harbor zero expectations that the third party insurance company's underwriting department would suddenly become my advocate in this matter.

Rather than enduring any possible drama about warranty coverage, not to mention likely delays in securing replacement parts and the possibility that some of those parts would be less than OEM quality, I've decided to prioritize my mental health and move on with my life as quickly as possible. I notified the dealership that I want them to complete Miku's suspension repairs, and I should get her back in about a week. She also needs new motor mounts that were also damaged by the prior owner's stupidity, but I can defer that work until her next oil change. 

I will be paying out of pocket for everything, and Miku's suspension repair bill is nearly the sale price of a platinum wedding band with a half circle of diamonds at Tiffany's. I'm assuming it's okay if I crack a joke that she's now my wife?


  1. That was another reason I pasted up on the mini cooper I test drove. I remember friend of mine that have them, like BMW'S the even basic maintenace and repairs are so expensive. Still love the looks of them, but there won't be any in my future. I like a quiet smooth ride.

    1. PS.....LOVE the new blog look!!!!!!!!!

    2. Oh, Miku had a smooth ride even with the damaged suspension but now I'm dying to find out how she drives once I get her back.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It sounds like you're making the best out of a bad situation. Sometimes that's all we can do.

    1. It's true, but in this case I don't mind. From the moment I saw Miku, I thought she'd be a great car to restore once she gets older. It looks like I'm getting a head start on that!


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