Wednesday Morning Musings

The marine layer that hugs the coastline every morning usually burns off by ten o'clock, and the temperature usually hovers in the high 70s. The humidity has also dropped enough to fall outside the unpleasant range. It's the perfect weather to drop the top and go for a nice cruise, but that's not happening for another week. Not even this 1966 Shelby Cobra 427 I'm currently driving in Gran Turismo 7 is sating my appetite for motoring adventure.

Yeah. I'm going through some serious Miku withdrawals right now.


I don't know if it's due to my weight loss or the fact I now own a convertible, but I care more about my personal appearance. If it weren't for the fact I'm still losing at least a pound a week on average I'd love to buy some nice clothes. I hate the idea of buying an everyday clothing item that will only be used once or twice before it is donated to Goodwill once it no longer fits. That should only be done for weddings and funerals.

For now, I'll settle for t-shirts and fitness shorts since those will still fit me at the end of the year.

I bought these Ray-Ban Clubmaster shades on Monday, and I know The Mistress will be thrilled to see them. They're a suitable replacement for the aviators she gave me in a blogging contest about a decade ago. The lenses are also the perfect tint for driving.

That's all I have for now. I need to get ready for my morning indoor bike ride and then conquer the rest of the day.


  1. We're in the valley on the other side of the LA Basin, so it's heat central here and "air quality" alerts, so my asthmatic ass is staying inside! Congrats on the continued weight loss and fitness routine! xoxo p.s. LOVE the new shades!

    1. Thanks, and I hope you're staying cool where you're at. This heat and humidity is no joke at night.


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