Let's Add To The List

These are my personal things...

  • A Carmax vehicle inspection.
  • Taco Bell food.
  • Joe Isuzu.
  • Financial advice from CNBC talking head Jim Cramer.
  • An emotional support Western Diamondback rattlesnake.
  • Target branded toilet paper.
  • A pro wrestling referee.
  • A Fiat X/14's transmission.
  • Russian gymnastics judges.
  • That one dude on the public bus that tried to sell me a "Rolex" watch.
  • Any product sold on an after midnight infomercial.

What would you add to the list?


  1. I give the person credit for being brave to put out that sign. Around these parts one does not dare as Trump supporters are violent and will deface property.

    1. The same goes for my old 'hood. You'd be asking for a reason to repaint your house there.

  2. I saw this very same photo online yesterday. It is hilarious. (and true)


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