Oh, FFS: A Certain Conservative Commentator

Oh, lordy. This silver and black knight will never find his middle aged or senior queen (or king) if this blowhard young enough to be my daughter is to be believed. *Insert eye roll here*

Gaming is a wonderful hobby that allows me to escape reality for one to two hours before I prep dinner on most days. I can afford a Porsche but the base 911 model would never satisfy me. If I wanted to be foolish with my money, I'd splurge on a Porsche 911 GT3 RS. That $400k+ beauty is for track day, not to pick up gold diggers or sugar babies, but if I can't push 190 mph on our freeways without going to jail then what's the point of owning one? With a PS5 game controller I can enjoy driving that car to its limits and hang onto my money at the same time. 

In summary, it's an escape from reality that makes perfect financial sense.

Driving a virtual car isn't just a test of my hand-eye coordination. Tuning the car's suspension and aerodynamics also works out my brain. Does shifting the weight from the front of the car to the rear make it more stable? Or does it make the rear end gyrate like a pendulum in the corners? If I remove downforce on the front or rear spoiler, can I corner faster? Or does it make the car drift outside the ideal racing line and force me to back off and lose speed? I love the challenge of making the car go faster a few tenths of a second at a time.

They say video games are a great way for me to keep my mind sharp as I age, and I couldn't agree more. Especially when I can occasionally beat gamers young enough to be my children and grandchildren in multiplayer online racing, and then grab my reading glasses and browse the AARP Bulletin afterward. 

How's that for a flex, kids?

I'm going to be as brutally honest as a sledgehammer, so please don't get too offended. Women like her expect us men to adore them without doing anything outside of applying makeup and wearing nice clothes to deserve such adulation. 

Honey, I'd rather make this 1993 Alfa Romeo 155 V6 TDI race car dance in the corners with a delicate caress of my fingers than be stuck with a closed minded woman like you.


  1. I saw a short news story a few weeks ago where a number of these 20 something women are insisting on pre date expenses like their nails, hair, clothes, etc. It is crazy!! I couldn't believe their entitled attitudes. It was also obvious they aren't the brightest.

    1. Pre date expenses? Are these women cosplayers? Now I can see why men in their 20s would rather collect figures.


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