Random Thoughts On A Friday Morning

It's been a brutal week. I had two dental visits on back to back days. The first was for a scheduled cleaning, and my gums are rebounding quite well from everything that I had done three months earlier. Then I was informed I had three cavities that needed attention, so I quickly made a second appointment for the following afternoon.

My dental hygiene wasn't nearly as bad as I thought. Two cavities were old fillings that needed to be replaced, and the third was a minor one that we decided to take care of now rather than later. My mouth hasn't quite recovered completely as of this writing, but I expect to be back to normal as soon as tomorrow. As for my debit card, my next cleaning will set me back over $200 since my insurance already paid for two of them this year. Ara ara!

I also turned the dental visits into a MINI car show. The staff loved Miku and Yuki, aka Yukino.


TMM is still in the hospital, and I'm crossing my fingers he'll be placed somewhere that can give him the care he needs when he's discharged. I can't give further deets on him since this could soon become a legal matter. The sister not named DR is in a COVID superspreader facility across town, as if dying from other medical conditions wasn't bad enough.

It's safe to assume I'm using these examples as motivation to get myself into the best shape of my life. I don't want to suffer either of these outcomes in ten to fifteen years.


Not everything in my life is bad. Sensei found time in her busy schedule to reach out to me the other night. I love that she's like a safe harbor in this shit storm I'm weathering. She deeply cares for me, as if she wants to be more than a friend but isn't ready to cross a certain line. 

I also found it amusing she thought I was still in my mid forties when I told her my birthday is coming up. I know I look young for my age, but... 

Anyway, I can't wait to show her how much I've changed since the last time we saw each other two years ago. My weight loss will shock her. My chiseled facial features have returned, and my newly grown salt and pepper goatee will also pique her interest. The cute, charming barely legal teen she remembers from yesteryear has certainly grown up.

Even if Sensei and I ultimately never date, I will never stop caring for her. She's a Taurus and I'm a Virgo, and if you know your astrology then you already know we're highly compatible.


Finally, this week was a total loss in a good way. I stepped on the scale a day early and I've lost 2.6 pounds. I attribute this to plain old diet and exercise throughout the week. Now if you'll excuse me, I might drop by Del Taco for lunch today as a reward for my healthy habits.
