Random Thoughts On A Thorsday Eve


Have you ever seen an NFL player collapse because their cleats got caught in the artificial turf? It usually results in a serious leg injury, and yours truly had a situation during Monday Morning Zumba. I was doing a spicy salsa routine when my shoe sole gripped the surface a little too much. My knee buckled for a split second, and images of my first ever ER visit flooded my mind as I awaited that telltale sign I’m injured to shoot through my leg. Except it never happened. Not only did I complete my Zumba workout, but my knee is fine.


I had fun working on my tan today, meaning I drove Miku and enjoyed my moment of zen behind the wheel. However, I didn’t have any fun when it comes to my family. I can’t give specifics about what’s happening, so let’s just say I can’t help but think there’s a possibility there may be two family funerals to attend before the end of the year. It’s a real shit show right now.


I removed Sunday’s post after I had a heart to heart talk with Bert, aka my best friend. We’re both concerned about Sensei, and he spilled the tea on what’s going with her on behind the scenes. It was so heartbreaking to hear everything that I ended up baring my soul to him, and I didn’t care that he once nearly married her. 

It looks to me like Sensei is slipping into that self imposed prison I just spent the past year breaking out of. You gain weight to the point you no longer care about your appearance. You become invisible to the world, or wish that you were. You stop doing the things you love, and also lose your self esteem along the way. 

Basically, you’re clinically dead and waiting for your body to catch up to your brain. I spent the past two decades being everyone else’s cautionary tale, and I don’t want anyone I care about to experience what I did. 


Finally, I might be enjoying my MINI throuple with Miku and Yuki a little too much. I buy gas with a gas card and pay nearly the full balance every month so it looks like I’m using credit. This week I had to make a nearly $200 payment. Ara ara!


  1. So sorry to read about your family, but glad to read that you didn't injure your knee!

    1. Yeah, it had me worried when it happened. I'm now wearing my workout shoes outdoors to get those soles worn in a little to help prevent that from happening again.

  2. As I was reading this I though Oh No, so I'm glad to read that you in fact didn't hurt your knee. Be careful. I know I've caused myself pain for a couple of days just reaching into the back seat from the front seat. Getting older isn't for sissy's that is for sure. It's sad about your family and about Sensei. It sounds like she needs a good friend right now but sometimes we all have to go through things on our own in our own way. 200.00 for the month in gas? I forgot how expensive you gas is there. I hope you have a stressless, peaceful day!!

    1. Premium is still around $5.20 a gallon here, and the hilly terrain doesn't help matters for Yuki. As for Miku, I almost always drive her in Sport Mode and with the top down, so I shouldn't expect more than 22 mpg while driving her.


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