Random Thoughts On A Thorsday

I have an update on my brother, but all I can say is that the same health care system that requires me to pay nearly $700 a month insurance premiums is the same one that cannot give my brother the help he needs at any cost. Of course I’m being sparse with the deets for privacy reasons, but this situation is putting me in an especially surly mood. 

The update on my sister in the convalescent home is also no bueno. She’s hanging in there, but it’s only a matter of time before the inevitable happens. 


The Zumba is paying dividends. Last night I broke out my blood pressure monitor to see how I’m doing, and I was pleasantly shocked to get a 119/67 reading. I don’t recall ever doing that during the past decade. My body is also recovering quicker from the increased cardio activity. 

Now if only I could get a consistent full night’s rest…


I don’t consider myself a player or a lady killer, but I’m finding it so easy and natural to talk to women while shopping that I now feel comfortable and confident enough to start dating again soon. I’ll discuss that in the coming weeks once the personal dramas in my life subside.


Okay, ladies and gents. This last part is going to get very spicy so if you’re a woman and/or easily offended you can stop reading if it makes you feel uncomfortable. Otherwise, let me tell you about That One Time I… Gave Back To An Underserved Community.

Sensei believes that once we reach a certain age we should give back to the community, and by that she means it’s compulsory. I’ve always wanted to do something, but up until a French pole vaulter lost an opportunity to win an Olympic medal I had no idea what I could contribute to society. 

After becoming acquainted with a Reddit community whose name went viral after that infamous mishap, I finally overcame some lingering personal issues. This inspired me to use my past experiences to help others. We’re talking things like finding and using the right sized condom so we don’t hate them with the same fervor pizza lovers view pineapple. Or how to identify a Size Queen and spot the toxic behaviors that alert you the relationship is one sided and would never work out long term.

Some of us will even tackle the most delicate of subjects. You would think the well endowed don’t have intimacy issues, but I was alarmed to discover that the body dysphoria that porn causes is as real as the pumps, pills, stretching exercises, injections and implants some people resort to in order to feel adequate. This compelled me and others to let them and regular sized guys know that no matter what they’ve got they’ll always be good enough if they know how to use it and be attentive to their partner's needs and desires. 

Even if I never meet these people offline, I find it comforting that I’m having a positive impact on their lives. Maybe they’ll avoid the pitfalls that likely sabotaged many of my past relationships up until I closed off my heart two decades ago? I like to think that’s true but who knows.

I’m assuming Sensei never envisioned this type of volunteer work when she practically ordered me to do something last month, and I’m 100% sure she’ll be horrified if she discovers I channeled my inner Nina Hartley. But you know what? I have no shame or remorse for doing something that will never be described as The Lord’s work. 


  1. My first stop on my blogging catch up!!!! And figures it would be a post about penis size!!!!! Hey I like a big one, but in all honesty, a 4" penis will also hit the spot as fine as a 9". I have done much research of this topic. Much. LMAO!!!!!!!

    1. Ha! I hope you got my email not too long ago. We must catch up!


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