A (Half) Day In The Life...

This morning I decided to document part of my day in photos for giggles. Here we have a near disaster on a plate. When I make a veggie omelet, I'll lift the edge of the egg off the skillet so any "runoff" can go beneath it and fully cook before I assemble the ingredients. This morning the egg accidentally slipped to one side of the pan, but luckily I fixed it so it at least looks presentable.

This should be a "before and after" workout picture. On the left is a Nintendo Switch Joy-Con. This tracks my right hand's movements when I play Zumba: Burn It Up thrice a week. On the right is the Owyn protein drink I'll have after my workout is done. According to the Fitbit app, I burned 648 calories via Zumba today.

While recovering from my workout, I hung out on Reddit and then ordered three pairs of men's leggings. With the change in weather that will come soon I need something to cover my legs while  exercising or if I'm just hanging out at home. But there's no way in hell I'll ever wear them outside the house without shorts for obvious reasons.

It was Monday and overcast where I live, two reasons why I kept Miku covered and hopped into Artoria for a little retail therapy. Her new keychain is on display in the center console right beside the driving mode switch.

Where else would I go for retail therapy on my special day? I needed more espresso blend coffee, and I picked up a pizza wheel that includes a docking cover. On a whim, I also bought a three pack of kitchen essentials that are infused with essential oils. Now when I wash my dishes, clean the counter, or wash my hands I'll get a pleasant waft of spiced chestnut.

While I digested lunch, I attached my Sense 2 to its charger to top off the battery. Those were my stats as of 1:06pm my local time, and those 123 active minutes are genuine. When I do Zumba, my heart rate is often hovering between vigorous and peak activity so I get double credit for those minutes.

Now would be a great time to catch a quick nap. Yes?


  1. I need a nap just reading about your activities! All I did today was a load of wash, called in 3 prescriptions, folded the dry clothes, and binge watched Moonflower Murders on PBS. My breakfast was coffee and toast. xoxo

    1. LOL! To be fair, I did conked out for about 15 minutes at around 3pm.

  2. I SWEAR by Williams Sonoma dish soap, and hand creme. I must have about 8 on stand by. Yeah I buy in quantity!!!! And again...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈

    1. Thanks, and I love this pack so much I'll have to go back for the pumpkin spice stuff tomorrow!

  3. OMG! How did I miss "my special day" in your post, sweetpea????? Happy Birthday, Darlin! xoxo

  4. Well this was a fun way to document your day. Almost 10,000 steps by 1pm is amazing. I hope you enjoy the rest of the week as well.

    1. Thanks, and I also hope you have a great week.

  5. Replies
    1. Yup, and that's why I love having a lazy afternoon to rest up.


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