(Not) A Silver & Black Thirst Trap

I snapped a quick photo of myself just before Artoria and I bought food that doesn't require a stove or an oven to nourish me. 

Today will easily be the most brutal in this heat wave. I awoke to an indoor temperature of 82 degrees, and that's with all of my pedestal fans running full blast overnight. As I write this, it's 99 degrees outside and I'm thankful I've shed 91 pounds so far.

Speaking of which...

I've owned this Hunter Renfrow jersey for three seasons, but this is the very first time I can properly fit in it. I don't care if Hunter never plays another NFL down. I'll proudly wear the 13 for as long as I can stand the heat today... which might not be for too much longer.

It's so hot right now I'm contemplating streaming the Raiders - Bolts game on my tablet so the big screen TV doesn't turn my living room into a sauna.


  1. I hear ya, sweetpea! We'll be watching the game, too! Had to catch highlights of the Saints game because it wasn't televised here, but they beat the Panthers 47-10! Huzzah! xoxo

    1. Carr will always look great in September, and those Panthers are going to have yet another rough year.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! I decided to share it after I sent it to Bert via text.


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