Random Thoughts On A Thorsday

I’ve been dealing with a health scare all week, but the actual threat level is low. When I attended my sister’s funeral last week, I was possibly exposed to tuberculosis. The person in question isn’t an active case, and I was in an enclosed area near them for roughly 20 minutes. 

My understanding is that the person wasn’t contagious and I should be fine. It’s still a little unnerving, though.


For about forty-eight hours I had an active online dating profile. Once I browsed the available women in my local area, I decided to close the account. It had nothing to do with their looks. I kept getting this gnawing feeling that these ladies were defeated by life and were looking for a wealthy man to rescue them. On top of that, I was highly disappointed that none of them put any effort into making their profiles engaging or interesting to read. One lady went as far as making a short list of her better qualities and then listed a dozen “must haves” that will likely guarantee she remains single.

Yeah, I’m better off meeting someone in the wild. 


During that brief dalliance with the online meat market, I had a spirited argument with Bert over what I should put on my profile. He wanted me to state I was financially secure as a selling point, and I countered that I would become a target for sugar babies, gold diggers and criminals. 

I also educated him that my lack of height is a deal killer for a decent amount of women in online dating regardless of how good of a catch he and others think I am once they get to know me. He doesn’t understand the size of my net worth or my… well, you know… cannot overcome that hurdle unless the online dating platform is Adult Friend Finder.

Unless you’re on my side of six feet tall, you’d never understand my plight.


I continue to defile Miku’s stereo system with The Best of N.W.A.: The Strength of Street Knowledge. Until this past week I had forgotten how much I enjoyed listening to Eazy E, Ice Cube, Dre and the rest of the crew when I wasn’t banging my head to Metallica. So if you see me vibing in Miku’s driver’s seat while blasting “Gangsta Gangsta” or “Straight Outta Compton”, wave to me.

And yes, I make sure to change tracks if “Fuck Tha Police” is playing within a half mile of a police station!


  1. That is a health scare. TB is becoming much more common again here in the US. I have no experience in online dating but I don't think it would be for me. I would rather meet someone like you said, 'in the wild'. I had to laugh at your last sentence. Years ago in Florida I had window down and Kid Rock on who rather loudly said "I can smell a pig from a mile away" and the officer sitting at the light next to me did not seem to approve. I hope you enjoy the rest of your week.

    1. OMG! I'm dying over here after hearing about the Kid Rock incident. Good news. My sister tested negative for a skin test and it was determined my brother has had the TB inactive in his system for awhile. I learned that after this posting.

  2. Yikes. I would never even think about TB as I thought it was eradicated. My condolences about your sister.

    1. Thanks. I knew my sister had been hovering on death's door since I moved here three years ago. I'm glad she's no longer suffering.

  3. I have no advice when it comes to online dating either. I have never done online sites or the apps. I meet most people I date or otherwise, as you say, "in the wild" or through mutual friends. Glad to hear also the health scare isn't leading anywhere too. That is scary.

    1. Thanks, and I agree I'm better off in the wild when it comes to dating.


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