That One Time I...

... Voted Like A Democrat AND A Republican

Okay, before y'all clutch your pearls I have some explaining to do. I did NOT vote for Tang Satan. Nor did I vote for any Republicans down the ticket. 

I did however vote against every single tax hike and bond issue on the ballot. 

I'm still paying north of $5 for a gallon of gas, and now there's talk of increasing our onerous gas taxes by another sixty five cents a gallon. And Democrats want to enact sales tax increases and issue more bonds that we may be on the hook for until the day I die? They need to make do with less just like the rest of us.

I promise y'all this. If we do get that gas tax increase, I will vote Republican for every state, county and city office at the next election out of spite. 

I'm fed up with this shit.


  1. I have been with all three parties. I started out Republican when in high school because my dad made me, then went Independant, and then finally Democratic. I have stayed since. But if people can't do the job, and or keep promises, I have no problem voting for who will get the job done, which is no one generally, or vote for the incumbent's primary opponent. These days at least, I don't think I could vote republican again, they are just too plum bat shit crazy anymore.


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