Random Thoughts On A Midweek Morning


Hi. My name is Robzilla and I'm an overtrainer. 

I have no words for what I did on Monday. I did 48 minutes of Zumba in the morning, ran errands, and then did 50 minutes of weight training. 

If my heart rate is in the vigorous zone, I get "double credit" for active minutes. Yes, that's my one day active minute count just before dinner!

I ended Monday with 180 active minutes, which is both good and bad. The good news is I wasn't fatigued at all until after 11pm. The bad news is this is likely the reason why I'm not getting as much sleep as I'd like. I'm curtailing Zumba to one 30-minute class three mornings a week to help address the issue.

As for weight training, I'll do that four times a week going forward since it doesn't raise my heart rate nearly as much. I have two routines. One is chest/shoulders/back and the other is arms and abs. I don't lift for muscle mass anymore, but it's the same routines I've had since I was eighteen. For each exercise it's five sets of ten, and for the weights they're heavy enough so I don't swing them around. I also only give myself a 20 to 30 second break in between sets.

At my age, I'm more concerned about maintaining flexibility than bench pressing 300 pounds like I used to. I already have the broad shoulders, muscular forearms and bulging veins some people admire, and if I get down to 215 pounds and take care of the excess skin part I just might look a little jacked when all is said and done. *laughs*


Things are moving slowly with The Muse and I'm perfectly fine with that. Her work reminds me of when I was in the banking industry. The work load is feast or famine, and she's feasting. I have to invent ways to keep myself busy so I don't disturb her with a text or phone call.

This courtship thing is exciting yet terrifying at the same time. The best way to describe my feelings is that I have the self confidence and knowledge to do everything in the right order and the right time, yet I'm terrified I'll make a mistake because it's been far too long since I've done this. 

Let me correct myself. It's been a long time since I've allowed myself to do this. 

I have multiple options when it comes to dating, but I'm one of those guys that prefers to concentrate on only one. I'm more than happy to give The Muse my undivided attention and let her define what we are. Hopefully that's as her boyfriend at some point. Only time will tell.

I interrupt this post with my new parlor game, Maxi MINI Maxi! This week's contestants are a pair of Ford F-150 pickups that parked two spaces apart from Miku, just like men when they use urinals in public restrooms.

In case you're wondering, Miku probably can't fit into the bed of either of them with the tailgate down.


The book is coming along, and I can't wait to cruise along Memory Lane later today. I'm writing a chapter that covers a very troubling and unsurprising incident from my beer league hockey days. It was a unique way that I combated racism at the rink, and it's a must read if I ever share it with y'all.

There's also a part where I ditched the last game of a lost season to go boot scootin' boogie with two very attractive blondes that asked me out. Even in my Dan Post boots they were taller than I flat footed. I hate to disappoint y'all, but that tale is more safer for work than the racism one.


Finally, I made a purchase on Sunday that I hope is delivered before Thanksgiving. It's something that I've always wanted since I was a child, and I can't wait to show it off and tell you why it has so much meaning.


  1. good for you on the weight training! I feel like I never get enough in.


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