Random Thoughts On A Christmas Day


I wanted a blogging break but I need to clear my head so I can continue plotting my next writing project this evening. As much as I love Trans-Siberian Orchestra, it's not enough so let's rip.

The exciting news is the traveling itch gets scratched in January. Yesterday I booked a surprisingly inexpensive three day, two night stay in nearby wine country. The hotel room costs less than half what I paid for my TUMI laptop backpack. Ara ara!

This solo adventure is to appease both my palette and my imagination. I want to write with minimal distractions and acquire source material. I look forward to product sampling, lunches in upscale restaurants, and the opportunity to bring home a couple of new 750 milliliter sized favorites. 

Maybe I'll make some new friends along the way? We'll see.


So what’s this new novel about? I’m here to toss you a few breadcrumbs (dating slang intended) to pique your interest. It’s about four people navigating today’s dating scene, and each chapter will be told from one character’s POV. Think of it as a movie with an ensemble cast where each of these characters are interconnected in some way.

Will these characters find their Happily Ever After? Well, that depends on your definition of an HEA. It’s going to be a dark romantic comedy, after all. Some will be happy, while others will get the ending they wished for. That’s how life sometimes works, right?


Upon reflection, I hate that I followed Bert’s advice to treat The Muse with kid gloves during the past eight weeks. The mental gymnastics I performed to keep my head on straight for the past week or so was unnecessary, and I only did it because I felt sorry for her current situation.

I alerted him this morning I’ve ghosted her after the low energy text I received for Christmas. She might ask him questions about me upon her return in roughly two weeks. Or not. I only care that he’s aware of what’s happened so he’s prepared for either outcome.


So what was The Muse to me? I’ll define her as a “calibration session”. It’s a business term dating back to my underwriting days. Whenever new procedures were enacted, we had a meeting to review them and then a full week to incorporate them into our jobs. And if we didn’t adjust quickly, then we’d hurt both ourselves and the company. No pressure, huh?

As a result of my recent experiences, I’ve shoved aside the traditional dating norms I’ve practiced for decades. No more chivalry. No more being a gentleman. No more making my best effort to impress someone. It’s better to be a cold blooded assassin in today’s dating scene where being nice is no longer appreciated. Either I take a calculated shot or I keep the sniper rifle on my shoulder and go about my business as usual. 

I value myself too much to impersonate a Costco worker giving away food samples, and I don’t care if “having your shit together” is too high of a bar to set. I need to establish my own dating standards before I take another shot, y’all.


  1. I love love love Napa Valley. My friend Kim and I hit many of them in Napa and another day in Sonoma valley. Some of the views i can still see in my head to this day.... Surprisingly.

  2. I love love love Napa Valley. My friend Kim and I hit many of them in Napa and another day in Sonoma valley. Some of the views i can still see in my head to this day.... Surprisingly.

  3. Happy Boxing Day! I got my laptop back/will keep more posted this upcoming week.


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