Random Thoughts On A Monday Morning

Saturday afternoon I joined Bert for a casual lunch, and while we waited for our food we had a frank discussion about women. No, not the disparaging type where men assign numerical values to looks, breast sizes, leg length and shape, etc.. Real talk about relationships.

Bert advised me he ended his long distance relationship, and I don’t blame him. She was one of those affluent ladies living in a foreign country that aggressively pursued him. She even ordered clothes and had them shipped to his place to hang in his closet — a huge red flag! If she wasn’t angling for a green card, then she was at least stealth moving into his place.

I confessed to Bert that I love how The Muse and I are taking things slow, and he made a comment that she was at a neighbor’s house last night to pick up a check and looked like hell. I immediately felt bad that she couldn’t join us for lunch, so I texted a selfie and told her that I wish she was there. Within ten seconds she responded back to Bert’s delight.


I checked on The Muse later that evening and we really opened up to each other. She’s now fully aware of my brother’s situation, and I learned more about her career. She’s a freelance designer that does engineering at the same time, and after she excitedly told me the ins and outs of her work life she was worried that she bored me to tears. I reassured her that I always find talking to her intellectually stimulating, and not because I tried to cheer her up. It’s one of the things I really like about her.

I don’t know if you believe in astrology, but I confirmed we’re both earth signs. She so similar to me that I originally thought she was a fellow Virgo. She’s a Capricorn, which explains why we share similar values, goals, and get along so well. I couldn’t be more thrilled… except she has a birthday just after New Year’s. 

Just when I thought I was done shopping for her for Christmas. Ara ara!


Thanks to a little prodding by both The Muse and Bert, I’m doing something I haven’t done in three decades. I’m applying for a passport!

My USPS appointment is sometime next week, and I’ve already got my proof of citizenship, identity, and an unsigned application ready to go. I likely won’t be able to use the passport until the fourth quarter of 2025 due to my ongoing family drama, but I will definitely travel somewhere in the Fall. 

I have no idea if it will be within the United States or elsewhere. I’m leaving my destination up in the air in case someone joins me. Anything can happen in six to nine months.


  1. First, as Capricorn and a NYE baby, I'm really, really glad to see the important of separate gifts to mark the very different occasions! (Can you tell I got stiffed as a kid???) I'm glad you're getting a passport before TFG tries to make that difficult! xoxo

    1. There are a few grammatical mistakes in the comment above that are not usual for me, BUT I was so happy to see that SOMEONE 9IN THIS CASE YOU) understands how often Capricorn birthday are ignored!! ;~)

    2. Oh, I can see that happening! My brother was born eight days before me, and my father the day afterward. So we only got one birthday most of the time!

      I should be fine on the passport front. My birth certificate says I'm white! LOL!


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