Random Thoughts On A Thorsday Eve

Is that a Pittsburgh Steelers mug at my writing desk? Yes it is. I’m still RN4L (Raider Nation 4 Life), but the NFL is one of those things that binds The Muse and I now. Thanks to her, George Pickens’s immaturity problems are now my problem on Sundays. Ara ara!

I originally bought this mug for The Muse until I discovered she likes WS. She’s getting monogrammed drink ware, fitting for a cerebral woman that’s all about practicality, plus peppermint bark for Christmas.

For her upcoming birthday, she’ll get $100 in Ulta gift cards. She can either buy necessities or splurge on a salon visit. Her choice.


I mailed out Christmas cards on Tuesday morning, so hopefully they’ll reach their destinations in a timely manner. I tried to make them as personable as possible. Yes, I still love cats. Yes, my hand is fatigued from all of that handwriting. Yes, in one case the Red Lantern logo I drew in ball point pen looks crude because I haven’t doodled in decades!

I’m still waiting to hear back from Michael (My Secret Journey), and I hope he writes back soon. Even if I have to send his card via priority mail, I’d love to get one out to him before the holiday.


I’m in a much better mood as we get closer to the holidays, but there’s still a storm cloud on the horizon with my brother’s name on it. My sister is distressed for obvious reasons, but one skill I learned in the corporate world is how to compartmentalize things. If I only worry about the things I can control, then everything else is just a distraction in my periphery.

Trump will ruin the country? I’ve already done what I can to remain financially secure. My sister wants to sell this home on a whim? I’ll rent an upscale one bedroom apartment near where The Muse and Bert live, and I’ll invest my share of the sale proceeds when I receive them. My brother still wants to kill himself? I’ll concentrate on planning his cremation and funeral.

No, I’m not a retired, cold blooded assassin. I was a Senior Underwriter, which is the same thing minus the blood and violence.


My brother’s situation was a handy excuse to ignore my manuscript, but the real reason is that I lacked inspiration. Then I met The Muse. An ambitious, cerebral woman that doesn’t need you but wants you changes everything.

On Sunday, I gave editing Chapter One another go. In seven hours over a three day period, a bloated 2,500 word opening chapter is now a svelte, focused 1,550 words that I’m 98% satisfied with. Once this story is trimmed to 70,000 words, I’ll hire an editor to review it. After I make the recommended revisions, the next logical next step is to either get an agent or try to get it published on my own. Self publishing is a last resort, but that’s also on the table.

Why am I being so meticulous about my novel? One, I’m a Virgo so it’s in my nature. Two, when you’re unpublished being “good enough” really isn’t. Pick your excuse.


  1. I love christmas cards. Im one of the few i know who sends them. I just hope my dozen or so international ones gets there in time. I have to do them generally first to make sure they do get there in time.

    Another move?!?!?!?

    1. It's on the table. Somewhere down the road, assuming my brother is still alive in a few years, his money will run out. Then we'll have to sell this place to free up some for him.

      I'm okay with it. It will give me a chance to live closer to Bert and have a nice place at the same time. I'm TIRED of laminate counter tops.

  2. I am so sorry that I am lax about checking email! It's the thought that counts though. So sorry about the continuing drama with your family.

    1. No worries, and thanks. I hope all continues to go well over there.

  3. I have some planet (I forget which) in Virgo so I have some of that Virgo tendency to always improve.
    The Steelers are a bunch of bums.

    1. At least they're doing better than the Raiders! Then again, so are 31 NFL teams.


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