Random Thoughts On A Thorsday Eve

If I named this post Boy, He’s Packing I’m sure I’d get in big trouble with The Horny Police. I wouldn’t be lying, either. It’s the day before my twenty-four hourish (mis)adventure and that’s what I’ve been doing little by little for a couple of days now.

This is the interior of my TUMI carry on luggage, and after my last trip I’m now getting the hang of this packing small deal. On the left I have my electronics under strap along with a shower poof inside a Ziploc bag. Those narrow zippered pockets contain toiletries including contact lens solution. Inside the hollow between the telescopic handle tubes below are my glasses and Guy Gardner, aka my electric toothbrush.

On the right is Dwell, my favorite bimonthly modern architectural porn mag, as well as…

This TUMI large packing cube. I’m only there for one night, but I will wear three different outfits. I’m also doing a weight training workout after breakfast on Friday morning. That’s why you see a pair of cross trainers with two pairs of socks stuffed in them in the left compartment. On the right there’s a button down shirt for Friday’s checkout, a workout outfit (top pile) and underwear and a lightweight hoodie (bottom pile) in case I go for a chilly stroll around the hotel grounds Thursday night.

Two external pockets hold my weight training gloves, my jewelry (watch) stash, and a USB power block to power the USB-C external charger beneath the luggage tag. I don’t think I’ll need it, but it’s there just in case.


Included in the electronics portion of my carry on is this TUMI laptop case. Inside is my Samsung S9 FE tablet, which was perfect for streaming anime and YouTube TV during my last stay. It’s also convenient if I want to catch up on a couple of J-Novel Club reads. 

The “seasoned” Microsoft Surface Pro 7 beneath it has been given new life as my travel companion as of today. It runs on Windows 11, and I learned that I don’t have to worry about Microsoft ending factory support for it in October. The battery lasts a lot longer than the MSI laptop, and that’s even when I listen to music via Bose QC Ultra earbuds via Bluetooth. 

I’m free to continue using the SP7 until it breaks, but let’s be honest. It’s four generations old, which is a nice way of saying it’s as obsolete as a Palm Pilot, so I might need an SP11 sooner rather than later.


I have a jam pack itinerary for this short trip. When I arrive I’m heading straight to an Old Town bistro for lunch, and then I’ll kill a little time by walking around to look at the shops. I don’t plan on buying anything, but if I do I’ll throw the WS tote bag in Artoria’s cargo area just in case.

I’ll check into my suite once I’m allowed to, and then I’ll head over to that sports bar I couldn’t eat at last week. Afterward I’ll likely head to the bookstore to get a decaf coffee or return to my suite. I’m about 67% finished with the scene sheets for my 2025 novel project and I hope to get the rest of them finished before I go to bed. I’ll also do my best to update the blog that night, too.

UPDATE: The sports bar is permanently closed. Looks like I might have Wahoo's instead.

There’s no rest for the wicked the following morning, though. It’s breakfast at sunrise followed by a weight training workout, and then I’ll shower and check out before I can get dinged $300 for not leaving on time. The drive home will include a side trip to the grocery store so I can resume my ordinary life as soon as I return to Le Crash Pad.

This is going to be so much fun even the itinerary is making my head spin. Ara ara!


  1. If you can't get into big trouble, what's the point? LMAO!!! I have banned from Instagram and had posts under blog warning on blogger several times.... My philosophy is Those who are easily shocked, should be shocked more often. I can't wait to hear of your latest trip. Have a good one!

    Now back to my spells and poisons for the new administration.......
    *evilly laughs*

    1. Well, I suppose I should've said that small leather zip pocket in front of the Dwell magazine has a KY packet and a MyOne condom!

    2. Ohhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never leave home without them! I also didn't see any undies?!?!?! LMAO!!!!!

  2. Have a wonderful trip. I can't wait to hear about it. Too bad that restaurant is closed and you never got to go.

  3. I need a break, too! I feel as if I'm growing roots and will be unable to mov soon!!! xoxo

    1. I hate that feeling. I normally get it if I'm in my writing chair too long.

  4. I admire you packing. I tend to schlepp along way too many things.

    1. I think I learned from this trip I should put the laptop in the backpack. Putting everything in the carry on weighed it down to the point where I was afraid I'd break something.


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