Palm Desert: Day 2 - Even More Shopping

About twenty minutes after I published my last post, I had to address Miku. Instead of being a thirst trap, she was thirsty for Chevron's 91 octane. I'm pretty sure I was the only one pumping gas that was nonplussed over its $5.24 price. That's about ten cents cheaper than the Chevron near Le Crash Pad!

After I filled Miku's tank, I ventured into Barnes & Noble with my Surface Pro 11. My goal was to get Chapter 6 started, and that's exactly what I did in roughly 30 minutes. 

I didn't find any new magazines that caught my fancy, but I added two classic novels to the unread stack on my coffee table. Before I left on this great adventure, I had already started All Quiet On The Western Front. I expect to finish that as soon as this weekend.

I also noticed something peculiar about the clerk behind the counter. He owned a Rolex Submariner, and yet there I was with a Fitbit Sense 2 on my wrist. That right there illustrates what I learned while reading The Millionaire Next Door. Those that have high incomes(?) tend to flash their money, while those with high net worth mostly fly under the radar.

One of the things I wanted to do was get in some additional steps for the day, and when I loaded these books into my laptop backpack I ended up registering a walking workout on my Fitbit. As of this writing I'm over 11,000 steps for the day, and my legs are feeling every step right now.

I tried to spend money at two anime shops. Neither had an Artoria Pendragon statue or figure that I'm passively looking to display on my writing desk.

The heat played its role in my overall fatigue by sunset. Check out the temperature gauge below the time on that speedometer. Ara ara!

Once I returned to the hotel to drop off my backpack, I ventured to Islands for dinner. I was today years old when I learned that not all Islands restaurants share the same menu. This location lacked the healthier options the one in my city has, so I made do with the Surfrider chicken sandwich on a wheat bun and French fries. It barely cracked four figures in calories, but it was dee-lish.

I have every intention to treat myself to lunch at Tommy Bahama tomorrow, but I was curious to see what the El Paseo shopping district looks like. I'd say it's a cross between Rodeo Drive and Camino Del Mar in my neck of the woods, and I'll take a few pictures tomorrow during the daylight hours.

To round out my day, I ducked into the TB store and picked out two shirts. Some may call it a waste of money, but I call it an investment in my vacationing future. One thing I learned real quick about Palm Desert and the surrounding areas is the term "resort casual". I have nothing like that in my current wardrobe, so I feel a little out of place in a golf shirt, slacks and dress shoes. The next time I come here, and there will be a next time because I love the area, I will be properly attired.

Tomorrow there's no rest for the wicked. I'm moving up my weight training workout a day so I can check out a little early on Friday. I'll also finish writing Chapter 6 either at my hotel room or the Starbucks Cafe. I will eat out for all three meals, and there will be photos!

And maybe if I'm lucky I'll get proper rest before I check out and return to reality.


  1. LOVE both of the shirts. Great job on getting so many steps in.

  2. Thanks, and boy do my legs need a rest!


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