Random Thoughts On A Monday
I’m eight days away from my next trip and the prep has already begun. Over the weekend I picked up enough reading material to sate my appetite during my three night stay.
I love how Dwell showcases modular home architecture, which is a far fetched dream. Available lots are either located in a high risk fire zone or don’t make financial sense. In plain English, it’s more cost efficient to buy an already built home if I want neighbors within walking distance.
Conde Nast Traveler leaves me confused. I can go to any of those places at whatever budget, yet none of them call to me. Throw in the fact that Americans abroad are about as welcome as syphilis and international travel just doesn’t sound so appealing until around January 2029.
Atomic Ranch is straight up mid century modern porn, a big reason why I enjoyed cruising around Coachella Valley a few weeks back. A lot of homes there would scratch that MCM itch if I’m willing to pay the price.
And now, something very unpleasant since it's related to my in progress novel… The Wall comes for us all.
For those of you in relationships, The Wall is unforgiving. It’s that moment in time when you realize what your real worth is in the singles market place.
For example, I’m witnessing in real time the self destruction of a so called high value woman. Not long ago she was one of those preening peacocks that went around saying, “I’m a working professional, my time is important! I make six figures! I have my own home!” to make herself sound like she was a big fucking deal compared to other women.
Blah. Blah. Blah.
Today she’s so fed up with modern dating that she’s considering doing the female equivalent of getting a mail order bride from a foreign country to marry her.
Why the change in mindset? Let’s talk about that controversial elephant in the room: income disparity.
When a man makes more money than a woman, it’s not a big deal. Men have traditionally been the providers in a relationship so it’s almost expected. We’re wired from our early teens to make allowances for that so both partners can get past that issue and carry on.
But when a modern single woman makes more than the man? With rare exception, her income becomes a barrier to entry. When a man doesn’t make as much as her, he’s not getting a date. She sees him as inferior or not worthy of her time.
That same modern woman must realize this unquestioned fact: A man that knows his worth won’t give a shit about her income level or the house she owns because with rare exception he knows she will never fully embrace the provider role in a relationship.
And when that same woman doesn’t offer any feminine qualities to go with the big salary and house? She's presenting herself to the singles market place as a man without a penis.
The Wall is unforgiving, y’all.
There is truth to this. Throughout the ages (for better or worse) men have been the providers. If they aren't doing this role, they are deemed not valuable or useful. Deep down men want to be such, as reflected in income and women use income as a means to measure a man's worth as a provider. These are tough traditions to let go of.