Wednesday's Trip Prep

I don't leave for six days, but I'm already chomping at the bit to hit the road. I spent about ten minutes this evening creating a jam packed itinerary that will rival my Palm Desert adventure. Between Tuesday afternoon and Thursday night I'll visit six different restaurants, two wineries, and I might become part of the furniture at the Starbucks Cafe in the process.

All of this is subject to my whims, but here's what I'm thinking of doing...

I'll arrive at around noon and eat lunch at The Old Town Pub & Grub. This time I'll likely have a beer instead of a mojito to wash down the meal since time will be of the essence. I really can't waste an hour walking around Old Town while I sober up this time around!

Next I'll visit the Starbucks Cafe inside B&N to do a forty five minute writing sprint. This trip still qualifies as a writing retreat, and the goal of my bookstore visits are to get that day's chapter started. 500 words is ideal, and I'll likely sip a chai latte or a coffee while I'm at it. 

Check in is at four, and after I settle in I'll resume writing until I've completed the chapter. Hopefully that will be no later than five thirty so I can find parking at Wahoo's. I absolutely love this place, and I can't wait to get their spicy fish tacos in my belly.

Wednesday is the splurge day and Callaway Winery is the midday attraction. I'll sign up for the wine club, and then partake in a wine tasting. There's a few items I want to buy in the gift shop, and then I'll have lunch at Meritage. I'd be shocked if I spend less than $250 this time around. Once I drop off the wines in my hotel room I'll do another B&N writing sprint and then finish that day's chapter in my hotel room. Dinner will be at a diner that should erase my memory of that rubbish place I ate at in Palm Springs.

Thursday entails a visit to a second winery for a tasting. I hope I discover a couple of new favorites, and I bought two more wine sleeves at Williams Sonoma just in case I need them. Once those bottles find a new home in my hotel room, lunch will be at restaurant and bar that looks welcoming and may not break my wallet. It's also conveniently close to B&N so I can take the laptop with me. Dinner may be at a Mexican restaurant within walking distance of the hotel.

And then Friday morning I'll check out... *sigh*

Perhaps my next trip should be five days and four nights?


  1. Have fun on your trip. The time will speed by!

    1. Thanks, and that's what I'm afraid of. I think my future trips should be every other month and five days/four nights going forward.


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