
Showing posts from July, 2024

Things That Make Me Happy

Hillcrest, our gay neighborhood, is a pretty chill place. Not much happens there other than people trying to live their best lives, so it warmed my heart to see this stop sign this afternoon. I'm trying to design a Hatsune Miku driving helmet for my character in Gran Turismo 7, and another gamer modified the MINI logo and uploaded it.

Wednesday Morning Musings

The marine layer that hugs the coastline every morning usually burns off by ten o'clock, and the temperature usually hovers in the high 70s. The humidity has also dropped enough to fall outside the unpleasant range. It's the perfect weather to drop the top and go for a nice cruise, but that's not happening for another week. Not even this  1966 Shelby Cobra 427 I'm currently driving in Gran Turismo 7 is sating my appetite for motoring adventure. Yeah. I'm going through some serious Miku withdrawals right now. *** I don't know if it's due to my weight loss or the fact I now own a convertible, but I care more about my personal appearance. If it weren't for the fact I'm still losing at least a pound a week on average I'd love to buy some nice clothes. I hate the idea of buying an everyday clothing item that will only be used once or twice before it is donated to Goodwill once it no longer fits. That should only be done for weddings and funerals. For

Finding Inner Peace At Any Cost

While reviewing Miku's inspection results yesterday, I learned two alarming things. One, it's very possible that what the prior owner did to Miku's suspension and the resulting damage from it voided her warranty. The second thing I learned is even more distressing: Carmax's multipoint vehicle inspection is bullshit. I know some of y'all probably think I should lawyer up, but when something like this happens it's a gray area where a warranty's exclusion language is concerned. As a former insurance underwriter, I already know how "playing in the gray" usually works out for the consumer. Therefore, I harbor zero expectations that the third party insurance company's underwriting department would suddenly become my advocate in this matter. Rather than enduring any possible drama about warranty coverage, not to mention likely delays in securing replacement parts and the possibility that some of those parts would be less than OEM quality, I've dec

Eff Mondays, Or At Least This Monday

Y'all know I had a terrible day when I learned that my sister has less than three months to live it was the second worst thing that happened. Considering the complications she's endured I had already assumed this was a foregone conclusion. What was troubling were the results of Miku's inspection at the dealership.  I've often said that when someone buys a used car they will eventually pay for the sins of the prior owner, and Miku's suspension needs a lot of TLC -- and money. The only question is who will foot the bill? Will Carmax's warranty cover the cost of the prior owner's stupidity? Or will I need to whip out my debit card and have the dealership fix her? We're legally past the point of no return, so Miku needs to be repaired one way or another.  If there's a great thing I learned from this experience it's that the dealership genuinely cares about providing excellent service to their customers. They made a video detailing what's wrong w

Happy Bobby Bonilla Day!

If you're a baseball fan, you can't help but giggle when it's July 1st. That's the day when several major league baseball teams make annual deferred payments on large contracts that ended prematurely. The most notorious of those terminated contracts was the one Bobby Bonilla signed as a free agent with the New York Mets. Not long after signing his deal the superstar began showing his age, and the Mets bought out his contract in January 2000. Normally a team will agree to pay a portion of the remaining contract as a lump sum to settle matters, but this is the Mess -- I mean, Mets -- we're talking about here. They handled things quite differently twenty-four years ago. The team invested the remaining $5.9 million owed to Bonilla into an annuity that promised double digit returns. Based on the assumption they would make a lot of money off this investment, the Mets reached an agreement with Bonilla to defer the rest of his salary until 2011. On July 1st of that year, th